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In today’s episode of the Global Wire Conversation, Ralph is talking to Ian Rowe of the American Enterprise Institute. Mr. Rowe is a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, where he focuses on education and upward mobility, family formation, and adoption. Mr. Rowe is also the cofounder of Vertex Partnership Academies, a new network of character-based International Baccalaureate high schools opening in the Bronx in 2022; the chairman of the board of Spence-Chapin, a nonprofit adoption services organization; and the cofounder of the National Summer School Initiative.He concurrently serves as a senior visiting fellow at the Woodson Center and a writer for the 1776 Unites Campaign. Make sure to follow his work and commentary on Twitter at and at AEI In our conversation we cover the role of education in the empowerment of socially disadvantaged communities, whether a value-free education is possible or even desireable, the impact of Critical Race Theory as well as an emerging new group of African-American Intellectuals that defend classical liberal values.
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January 2023